Area Organisation Adviser Sister Heidi Griffiths
Area Organisation Adviser Sister Heidi Griffiths© 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Working under the direction of the Europe North Area Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Sister Heidi Griffiths serves as a new Area Organisation Adviser (AOA) to the Manchester, Birmingham, and Bristol regional areas of the United Kingdom as of May 2022.
The position of an Area Organisation Adviser expands the roles for women in the Area and provides women’s perspectives at all levels of Church councils.
Sister Griffiths provides orientation to women who serve in stake (diocese) leadership roles. The Area Organisation Advisers meet with the Area Presidency and General Organisation leaders and when invited, participate in area council meetings, leadership conferences and special assignments.
“I am deeply grateful to serve with so many inspiring women and men. I am a simple, practical woman serving in a magnificent calling,” says Sister Griffiths. “I trust in the Lord, knowing that Jesus Christ will labour beside us and magnify our efforts, no matter how small.”
She recently spoke at the fringe conferences held in association with the Freedom of Religion or Belief Global Ministerial July 2022. “It was such a blessing to be a part of these conferences. Every woman, man and child, no matter what their faith or where they live, has the right to believe and worship as they choose.”
Sister Griffiths was born in Gloucestershire, England and is the eldest of four daughters. Due to the passing of her father in her youth, she has a special place in her heart for those who suffer bereavement or loss and is grateful for the influence and strength of her faithful mother and grandmothers.
Of her children, Heidi says, “It brings me joy seeing our children doing good and helping others without being asked. Perhaps that is how our Heavenly Parents feel when we reach out to serve others without being assigned, but simply because we love them.”
She is married to Dan Griffiths and is the mother of four children. She loves serving in the Church and prior to her call as an AOA, she and her husband worked with young adults throughout the UK and Europe Area for three years.
“The Rising Generation has so much to contribute,” comments Heidi. “We need their strength, energy and innovation. Their lives will be enriched and blessed as we trust them with opportunities to lead, organise and serve. Yes, they are our future leaders, but many of our Rising Generation are ready to lead now.”
Professionally, Sister Griffiths works full-time with 11 to 18-year-old girls, providing pastoral care and education for students.
“It is particularly rewarding to serve on the school, ‘Wellbeing Committee for Students,’ educating and supporting students with the care of their mental health,” says Sister Heidi Griffiths.
In her role as an Area Organisation Adviser in the Church, her goals are to empower and champion women and girls, to encourage them to share their unique insights as they fully participate in Church councils and recognise their huge potential to do good in this world.
“As the voices of men and women unite, our councils will be balanced and even more effective. This is one work, and the Lord expects us to serve shoulder to shoulder, united in bringing others to Jesus Christ,” says Sister Griffiths.
She strives to encourage every Church council to follow the pattern described by President Bonnie H. Cordon, Young Women General President of the Church, “This is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; it is a remarkable thing to remember that it is His Church. As we seek to know His will, as men and women come together listening to each other and listening to the spirit, revelations flow.”
“Most importantly,” concludes AOA Sister Heidi Griffiths, “I look forward to many opportunities to testify of Jesus Christ. I have a deep love and gratitude for Him.”