The JustServe Harvest Appeal is encouraging local community groups to collect food and hygiene items and donate them to foodbanks or food-related charities in their local areas.
The Autumn harvest time provides an opportunity to give thanks for all that we have however, this year, the recent increase in the cost of living has meant that many people are worried about how to make ends meet. The JustServe Harvest Appeal was launched to support foodbanks at this difficult time when they are experiencing a rise in a demand for food along with a fall in the number of donations they receive.
Many stakes across the Europe North Area are taking part in Scotland, England, Wales and Finland and we are looking forward to sharing photos and stories after the event. Here are some of the foodbanks and charities which are being supported:
- Basingstoke Foodbank
- Trussell Trust Lowestoft
- Help the Homeless in Chorley
- Irvine foodbank (North Ayrshire)
- Rochdale foodbank
- The Bus Shelter (Canterbury)
- Trussell Trust Matlock
- The Resource Foodbank (Ossett)
- Town Centre Foodbank (Powys)
- Welcome Centre (Huddersfield)
- The Bethany Foodbank (Birmingham)
- Chichester District Foodbank
- Pelsall Foodbank (Walsall)
- Lichfield Foodbank
- Every Family Counts (Wolverhampton)
- Clacton Foodbank (Essex)
- Bradford Metropolitan Foodbank
- Gate Charity Foodbank (Alloa)
- Andover Foodbank
- Salisbury Foodbank
The Appeal is focussing on the week of 17th to 22nd October but it’s not too late to join in if you’d like to. Just go to JustServe.org and click on 2022 Harvest Appeal. You don’t have to be a big group; individual donations are just as welcome. The most important thing is that foodbanks are helped. As we work together to bring relief to those in need, we hope we will all feel a strengthening of our unity and an increased desire to follow the Saviour.