President Adam S. and Sister Heather West
President Adam S. and Sister Heather West© 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.“In our mission, we build with *bricks,” according to new England Birmingham Mission Leaders Adam S. West and his companion, Sister Heather West of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Referring to the early Church members in Nauvoo, US who chose to build their homes with bricks instead of wood, President and Sister West hope that the England Birmingham missionaries will choose to give their best efforts while serving here.
President and Sister West began their missionary service in July 2022 and can trace their heritage to English ancestry. Sister West says, “Coming here has been awesome. I feel so connected to England. My faith is built on those who wanted to hear and know the truth and made such sacrifices for us. President West also has a great grandfather who was born within the mission boundaries.”
The Wests, who come from Corcoran, Minnesota in the United States, have four children and one grandchild. Their 16-year-old daughter Jane accompanied them to England and has become an integral part of the mission giving suggestions for the weekly mission-wide challenges that focus on physical, intellectual, spiritual, and social goals. The Wests jump in as a family and participate in the same initiatives as the missionaries.
President and Sister West who first met at Brigham Young University, later lived in England with their young family while he completed his MBA at Oxford University. They love the outdoors –running, camping, sailing, and just being with their family.
“Our children are our greatest joy,” says President West. “They are the best evidence of our pre-mortal existence.”
As for the missionaries, President and Sister West want their missionaries to serve – not out of fear or a desire for a reward but because of their love for the Saviour and their neighbour.
“We are teaching them to take ownership of their choices and to help prepare our communities for the Birmingham temple. We hope they will complete their missions as healthy individuals in all ways,” President West explains. “Life is going to be hard, and challenges will certainly come. Whatever we can do to prepare them for that – that is what we want to do. We are really thinking about their grandchildren.”
And while the Wests are working towards those goals with the Birmingham missionaries, they are grateful to be serving together.
“Being with Heather is being home. We are a refuge for each other. We could go anywhere in the world and if we were together, we would be home,” says President West. “I love how Sister West can bring to life a story. We are writing the story of the Birmingham Mission right now.”
*Concept shared from the Minnesota Minneapolis Mission