Since its official founding in the 1980s, Latter-day Saint Charities has used millions of euros of funds and volunteer hours to care for the needy across the world, regardless of race, religion or
In 1985, the world became aware of an awful famine in Ethiopia that killed hundreds of
thousands of people. Then-President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Spencer
W. Kimball, called on members of the Church to fast for 24 hours and donate the funds that
would have been used to purchase those meals to aid famine-stricken Ethiopia. Members
across the world responded and donated over 11 million dollars. Since that time, members of
the Church and other generous people have continued to donate funds.
The Church of Jesus Christ formalized its humanitarian efforts through Latter-day Saint Charities. As a unique non-profit sponsored by the Church, 100 percent of all donated funds and items go directly to humanitarian efforts in 189 countries. Latter-day Saint Charities is organized to relieve suffering, promote self-reliance, and provide opportunities to serve.

The Church of Jesus Christ firmly believes in its responsibility to care for all in need, just as Christ instructed.
Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me. (Matthew 25:40 KJV)
Through working with international, national, and local organizations and partnerships, Latter-day Saint Charities is able to administer to needs and respond in cases of emergencies and natural
For further information visit the Latter-day Saint Charities website This also has videos and a summary report from 2018.