As of Monday, August 1, 2016, Elder Gary B. Sabin will be the newest member of the Europe Area Presidency, serving as second counselor to Elder Patrick Kearon, President of the Europe Area of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He will replace Elder Timothy J. Dyches at the Europe Area headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany. Elder Dyches will be serving with the Church’s Temple Department in Salt Lake City.
Elder Sabin was serving as a member of the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy in the North America West Area when he was called to be a General Authority Seventy at the April 2016 general conference.
A Seventy is one of the ordained offices of the Melchizedek Priesthood, the higher order of the priesthood. Seventies have a special call and ordination to preach the gospel and serve as “special witnesses” of Christ to the world.
Elder Sabin has served as a full-time missionary in the Netherlands/Belgium mission, stake president, and in various other Church capacities. He received his bachelor’s degree in university Studies/Finance from Brigham Young University before going on to receive his master’s in Management from Stanford University.
He has worked as a chairman/CEO for several companies, including Excel Realty Trust and Price Legacy. He most recently worked for Excel Realty Holdings and Excel Trust. Elder and Sister Sabin also formed Sabin Children’s Foundation, an organisation dedicated to addressing the medical needs of children.
Gary Byron Sabin was born in the city of Provo, in the U.S. state of Utah on April 7, 1954. He married Valerie Purdy in August 1976. They are the parents of five children.