Elder Adrian Bettridge
Elder Adrian Bettridge© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.“Follow Christ and see what He can make of your life,” says Elder Adrian Bettridge
Elder Bettridge, newly called Area Seventy from Watford, believes in transformation: that as we follow the covenant path, we will be transformed to become more like our Father in Heaven and our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Elder Bettridge says that he takes a simple approach to the gospel: “The first thing to remember is that we are children of God. Each of us has a spark of divinity in us. If we understand what great potential we have, we should be excited about what we can become. Our Father in Heaven has the perfect plan for us to follow. If we follow the plan, we can use this potential to become like Him.
“Get rid of the clutter and noise in your life and learn how to tune in to the Holy Spirit. You will then get nudges that get you back on the path and help you make good decisions so you can achieve your potential and become more like God.”
He runs to keep fit but his real passion is team sports: football, volleyball, golf, cricket or leading his family on a long Sunday afternoon walk. When it came time for one of his sons to start playing football for their local club, he was disappointed to learn that they only played matches on Sundays. He knew his son would be very sad to miss out, so persuaded the club to allow him to put together a new team and join a Saturday league. He took on the role as the team’s manager for 6 years, running training sessions and matchday responsibilities alongside his many other work, church and family commitments. He believes that teamwork is as essential in the Church as it is on the football pitch: as members of the Church, we can reach out to others and share who we are, what we believe in and what we can do to bring gospel teachings into our communities and daily lives.
His children tease him that he has so many favourite scriptures, but his current favourite scripture, Doctrine and Covenants 11:8, reminds us that we have the power to do much good for one another, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, even as you desire of me so it shall be unto you; and, if you desire, you shall be the means of doing much good in this generation.” He says, “We support each other and help each other along the way back to our Father in Heaven.”

Elder Bettridge is a problem solver. He runs a global consulting firm, Baringa Partners, working with financial institutions, energy companies, service providers and government departments. His job is to first help these organisations understand their problems and then find solutions. “I believe in change and transformation, for businesses and individuals,” he says. “We can help each other feel the Spirit and change to become more like our Heavenly Father and our Saviour, Jesus Christ.”

Elder Bettridge grew up in the Church after his parents, Marge and Paul, converted when he was just two years old. He and his family would catch the bus to church. As there was no chapel for them to meet in, they met in various buildings including scout huts, leisure centres and in people’s homes. Elder Bettridge served his mission close to home in Leeds before studying economics at university, entering the world of work and meeting his wife Jenny at a work event in Chicago. After she returned to her home in Australia he visited her there, took her to church and introduced her to the missionaries. A few years later they were married: to this day, he says that “my best missionary moment was introducing my wife to the gospel”. They have each served in various callings including working together as FSY Session Directors and setting up some of the UK’s first Service Missions. They are the proud parents of four boys – Isaac, William, Austen and Arthur – and Byron, a ‘lockdown’ goldendoodle who keeps them all busy and fit with his twice daily walks.
One of Elder Bettridge’s other favourite scriptures is the entire chapter of Alma 32. In it we are reminded that even if we simply desire to believe, the Spirit will work in us to create a great and mighty change. “. . . even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words.” By having the desire to believe, we open our hearts to feel the Spirit and learn of our Saviour. As a bishop and stake president, he taught others about the power of change and transformation through the Saviour, Jesus Christ. As a member of the Seventy, he will continue to share this hopeful message.