One of the world’s most famous bread makers has risen to the challenge of helping launch next year’s RootsTech family history and technology conference. Apollonia Poilâne, CEO of the legendary Poilâne Bakery in Paris, travelled to nearby Versailles for the event, sponsored by FamilySearch International.

Founded by Apollonia’s grandfather, Pierre, in 1932, the bakery is famous for its loaves, particularly the almost two kilo Miche Sourdough, which is now sold around the world to leading restaurants and discerning individual customers.
Harvard-educated Apollonia, who was born in New York City, became the Chief Executive of the bakery at just 18, after her parents, Lionel and Irena were tragically killed in a helicopter crash.

Behind the scenes at the world-renowned Poilâne bakery, Paris. 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.She told delegates and guests at Versailles’ Palais des Congrès that despite her overwhelming grief she had no choice but to carry on her parents’ remarkable work.
Experts were on hand at the event to surprise Apollonia with the results of a search into her family history. She was delighted to discover that some relatives had been farmers, prompting suggestions that maybe they had grown wheat, a product of course which was now the staple of her business.

Registration for RootsTech 2022 is now open.2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The CEO of FamilySearch International, Steve Rockwood, also attended the event along with archivists and family search experts from across Europe. RootsTech 2022 will run from March 3rd to 5th and will be online. You can register for free at