We are experiencing challenging times. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our personal, family, work and church routines. Thousands of people have lost their lives and we feel and pray for the families who have been affected.
Access to things we have often taken for granted such as basic services, healthcare, education, entertainment, and even freedom of movement, is now being restricted by policies and security measures designed to protect us all and reduce the risk of contagion. The economies of countries across the European Union and beyond are being challenged. As businesses, large and small, are suffering from the ripple effect, many people are losing their jobs or experiencing salary cuts. We cannot underestimate the effects on the lives of European individuals and families, especially those with little children.
In the midst of this crisis, however, we are also witnessing many wonderful things: people reaching out to help each other, finding new bonds within the communities where they live, or harnessing the power of modern technology to give comfort and express love to others far away or maybe next door. Many are taking advantage of this period of isolation and introspection to strengthen family relationships, to reflect on the true purposes of life, and to recommit to personal, professional or spiritual goals.
As we navigate through these uncertain times, we express our gratitude and pray for healthcare professionals and first responders who work tirelessly for our collective safety; for those who guarantee access to basic services and supplies; for families across Europe for protecting and supporting their children; for volunteers, NGOs, or regular citizens who reach out to others in need, such as the elderly, the homeless, the refugees, or anyone who may need assistance; for EU and government leaders, that they may take bold and inspired decisions to implement appropriate measures to fight the pandemic and to support the economies of the Member States; finally, for all responsible citizens who patiently follow government-issued health and safety guidelines to contain the spread of the virus and protect the most vulnerable.
As people of faith, we find tremendous comfort in knowing that our Father in Heaven is ultimately at the helm. The prophet Joseph Smith, founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was unjustly confined in Liberty jail. He was terribly mistreated and yet wrote: “Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed” (D&C 123:17).
We cannot control everything, as evidenced by this virus, but we can cheerfully do what is in our power. We can then claim the promises of heaven as we stand still and see the Lord’s arm revealed.
We are on this journey together! Please know of our deep appreciation for you.