Mission Leaders President K. Roy Tunnicliffe and Sister Vanessa Tunnicliffe
Mission Leaders President K. Roy Tunnicliffe and Sister Vanessa Tunnicliffe© 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.New Mission Leaders, President K. Roy Tunnicliffe and Sister Vanessa Tunnicliffe are “equally yoked” as they carry out their service to missionaries, members, and friends in the England Manchester Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which began July 2022.
“We try to do everything we can together. We both teach, train, visit, counsel, and minister separately and together with the missionaries,” says President Tunnicliffe. “We feel we have been prepared to serve in this capacity as Mission Leaders because we have served together in multiple roles prior to working with the missionaries.”
President Tunnicliffe most recently served as an Area Seventy (regional leader) to the Manchester area and along with his wife Vanessa, they had many opportunities to instruct and inspire, speak at devotionals, and visit with Church and community leaders before their mission call.
Since becoming Mission Leaders, they appreciate the increased understanding and strength that each brings to this new calling. They are grateful to observe the practical applications of individual qualities in one another as they serve with the missionaries.
“We take missionary work very seriously, but we also have fun and good humour. There is such joy and light in the work we do,” says President Tunnicliffe.
President and Sister Tunnicliffe are both native to England having been born in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire and Sunderland, historic County Durham, respectively.
In his professional life, President Tunnicliffe worked in the petrochemical industry for many years and later changed careers working as a coordinator and then Regional Director of Seminaries and Institutes for the Church in the UK. He hopes to continue this employment when he completes his mission service.
Sister Tunnicliffe worked in medical research for a pharmaceutical company and then chose to focus on her role as wife and mother when her children were born. Church leadership callings and service to her family and community have added to the depth of experience she brings to her new calling.
The Tunnicliffes’ primary goal now as Mission Leaders is to focus on the missionaries. “We just want to help them in their conversion to be disciples of Jesus Christ and that means we desire for them to find happiness as they fulfil their missionary purpose,” says President Tunnicliffe. “We encourage them to delve into the scriptures and Preach My Gospel (missionary resource) and find the seeds that the Lord has planted. They can then plant these seeds into their missionary work and feel peace in doing so.”
Sister Tunnicliffe adds, “In terms of the actual work, we just want to help as many people as possible to know what it means to come unto Christ and take His name upon them – to not just join a church but to have a desire to be lifelong disciples who are loyal, thriving, and cherish their covenant relationship with Him.”
“In our turbulent world, that is filled with commotion,” emphasises President Tunnicliffe, “a covenant relationship with Jesus Christ brings stability, peace, hope and reassurance.”
President Tunnicliffe has personally experienced this connection with the Saviour. He was baptised as a 17-year-old young man within the same boundaries of the mission over which he currently presides.
“It has been a very special, full-circle kind of experience,” says President Tunnicliffe, “to see people once again who helped me join the Church so many years ago. I have been able to say to the missionaries – one of your mission leaders was found within our mission boundaries. Even one of the young men I worked with earlier as a youth leader is now a counsellor in our mission presidency.”
Together, the new England Manchester Mission Leaders agree, “It is just rejuvenating to be with these missionaries. We just adore them. They mean so much to us. It is a privilege to serve alongside them and to get to know them. They are remarkable, courageous young people. The Lord is blessing them and blessing us as well.”