The church has been calling for better prepared missionaries and the Bristol Stake have responded to this call with a unique event to supplement the missionary preparation classes that are run. A Missionary Training Centre (MTC) Experience was held one Saturday at the Stake centre. Five members who have received their calls and one who plans to submit his papers next year attended a day of workshops and then went out with the full-time missionaries serving in the area to teach and do some tracting.
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
The workshops, run by returned missionaries, covered the purpose of missionaries, using time wisely and what to teach. These were followed by a class on teaching skills and some role plays to give the future missionaries some practice. Then after something to eat they went out with serving missionaries to teach and knock on doors.
Although the weather was pretty wet and windy they all returned to the chapel excited by the experience and eager to share their experiences and testimonies with each other to conclude the evening.
The future missionaries commented that it had been a ‘fantastic day that has helped me prepare’, ‘great day’, ‘a great spiritually uplifting experience’’ ‘so much fun’ ‘the testimony meeting has really strengthened me’ and ‘I have really felt the Spirit’. Their enthusiasm for the gospel and for the opportunity they will shortly have was palpable. They have had some ideas reinforced and been introduced to some new ones and will go to their various assignments in the UK, Africa and Australia well prepared.
Parents and Stake Leaders are grateful for their righteous desires and to the organisers of this event. Stake President, Martin Turvey commented: “To see the spirit and enthusiasm that existed at the end of the day within all of these young men was truly amazing. Each of them left with an increased desire to serve a dedicated mission and we are excited to see them leave and know they will be outstanding missionaries.”
Article written by Vince Harvey