In the news and seen on TV recently, Chelsea Cameron inspires many adolescents. Chelsea wrote a public letter thanking her mother and father for some life lessons she learned from them, regardless of their addiction to drugs.
“I whole heartedly believe that God only gives us trials that he knows we can deal with.”
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
'”My dad invited the missionaries from the Church round for a laugh,' she says affer her grandmother died. 'My parents weren't interested but the missionaries were keen to keep teaching me.”
Chelsea was later baptized at the age of ten. In Chelsea’s eyes there wasn’t a more perfect time, because four years later she came home one day to find that her mother was gone and she was left with her father who was getting worse in his addiction and six year old brother.
At 14 she left her home to stay with various family and friends over the years. She became determined to not let her parents' choices define her and became involved with the Church and school, where she was given opportunities in public speaking, organizing events, and service. Chelsea recently moved into a home of her own and has started an apprenticeship in an administrative job. She is considering becoming a teacher as a profession.
Chelsea keeps in touch with her parents and has no bitter feelings towards them. She is thankful to have learned by their example that her life can be better for her when making good decisions.
“My parents are good people, they've just made bad choices.”
Earlier this week Chelsea’s mother, Tammy, told the Dundee Evening Telegraph how proud she was,
"No child should have to go through what Chelsea did and live that kind of life. I am ashamed and upset at my behaviour and am so sorry and so proud of her."
Closing her letter to her parents Chelsea says this, "I hope one day that you'll wake up and realise there is so much more the world has to offer you guys and when that day comes, please come to find me so we can enjoy life together.”
Chelsea’s attitude of forgiveness and understanding is one we could all follow.
“God is good, oh so good. The Lord has poured his blessings upon me and I hope I can continue to obey Him and find joy in this marvelous journey.”