Members of Huddersfield First congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had a wonderful time at their annual day of service in the community on 'Helping Hands Day' which took place at Moorlands Primary School. Children and adults worked alongside each other digging out and refilling overgrown boxes, weeding, cutting back trees and bushes, and clearing paths. A couple of rainy spells did nothing to dampen their enthusiasm. Indeed the little ones enjoyed themselves playing with saucepans and mud! They also helped their parents, working alongside them whilst learning the value of serving others.
Mrs. Swift, one of the teachers at the school, came along with her children and was impressed with all the effort that the members made. Judith Tomlinson, who helped to organise the day commented, " We like it when we find projects where the children are safe to come along and help or play. They learnt a lot from working with their parents and this helps them to develop a good work ethic for when they are older."
The refreshments provided by the school also played their part in keeping everyone's spirits up and in making the day the success that it was.