- 6289---Primary-children-at-Riga-Chapel-in-Riga,-Latvia-on-7-March-2023
- 4174---Sister-Rebecca-L.-Craven,-Sister-Tracy-Y.-Browning-with-First-Lady-Debora-Katisa-Cavalho-at-Presidential-Palace-in-Cabo-Verde-on-2-March-2023
- 4210---Sister-Rebecca-L.-Craven-and-Sister-Tracy-Y.-Browning-in-the-garden-at-Presidential-Palace-in-Cabo-Verde-on-2-March-2023
- 4216---Sister-Rebecca-L.-Craven-and-Sister-Tracy-Y.-Browning-visiting-with-Isabel-Moniz-of-Colmeia-on-2-March-2023
- 6112---Primary-children-singing-at-the-Primary-Devotional-in-Cabo-Verde-on-4-March-2023
- 6144---Young-women-at-the-Cultural-Presentation-at-the-Praia-Stake-Centre-in-Cabo-Verde-on-4-March-2023
- 202330304---Cultural-programme-at-the-Praia-Stake-Centre-in-Cabo-Verde-on-4-March-2023
- 6479---Primary-childrens-choir-at-Riga-Chapel-in-Riga,-Latvia-on-7-March-2023
- 6733---Sister-Tracy-Y.-Browning,-Sister-Svetlana-Samigullina,-Latvian-District-Primary-President-and-Sister-Rebecca-L.-Craven-visit-together-in-Riga,-Latvia-on-7-March-2023
- 0142---Riga,-Latvia-on-7-March-2023
- 4907---Sister-missionaries-from-the-England-London-Mission-at-Crawley-Stake-Centre,-Crawley-UK-on-11-March-2023
- 5258---Sister-Rebecca-L.-Craven-sharing-For-the-Strength-of-Youth-pamphlet-at-the-Youth-Devotional-in-Crawley-Stake,-Crawley-UK-on-11-March-2023
- 5269---Elder-Hans-T.-Boom-at-the-Youth-Devotional-at-Crawley-Stake-Centre,-Crawley-UK-on-11-March-2023
- 5447---Sister-Marjan-Boom-in-the-congregation-of-the-Womens-12-Devotional-at-Reading-Stake-Centre-in-Reading-UK-on-12-March-2023
- 5565---Two-sisters-greeting-each-other-at-Womens-12--Devotional-at-Reading-Stake-Centre-in-Reading-UK-on-12-March-2023
- 7069---Brother-Brady-Browning-and-Sister-Tracy-Y.-Browning-at-the-London-England-Temple-Arrivals-Centre-in-Lingfield,-UK-on-11-March-2023
- 69337---Sister-Traci-De-Marco-visiting-with-family-at-the-London-England-Temple-Arrivals-Centre-in-Lingfield,-UK-on-11-March-2023
- 69364---Elder-Hans-T.-Boom-with-a-young-man-at-the-London-England-Temple-Arrivals-Centre-in-Lingfield,-UK-on-11-March-2023
- 69374---Sister-Tracy-Y.-Browning-and-Primary-children-at-the-London-England-Temple-Arrivals-Centre-in-Lingfield,-UK-on-11-March-2023
- 69484---View-of-London-England-Temple-on-11-March-2023
- 69529---Sister-Tracy-Y.-Browning-at-Crawley-Stake,-Crawley-UK-on-11-March-2023
- 69701---Young-woman-conducting-Youth-Devotional-at-the-Crawley-Stake-Centre,-Crawley-UK-on-11-March-2023
- 69711---Sister-Rebecca-L.-Craven-shares-message-at-Youth-Devotional-at-Crawley-Stake-Centre,-Crawley,-UK-on-11-March-2023
- 69753---Sister-Rebecca-L.-Craven-and-Sister-Tracy-Y.-Browning-speak-with-youth-at-Reading-Stake-Centre-in-Reading,-UK-on-12-March-2023
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
International women leaders from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ministered in four countries over eleven days – from Cabo Verde, 350 miles off the coast of Africa, to the Baltic nations of Latvia and Lithuania, closing in southern England (2-12 March).
Sister Tracy Y. Browning, second counsellor in the Primary [children’s organisation] general presidency, and Sister Rebecca L. Craven, second counsellor in the Young Women general presidency, addressed young people, male and female Church leaders, and members of the Relief Society [women’s organisation]. Typically attending multiple events in each country, they were accompanied by their husbands, Brady Browning and Ronald L. Craven, and by members of the Europe North Area Presidency. A highlight of the ministry tour was meeting with Cabo Verde’s First Lady to discuss humanitarian initiatives.
The overriding theme during the Sisters’ travels was Christ-focused outreach. “Your life and your time are purposeful,” Sister Tracy Y. Browning told a meeting of youth in Crawley, England. Adding that, if we seek Christ’s voice, we “will hear Him calling” to “‘Arise and come forth.’”
During a youth activity in Vilnius, Lithuania, Sister Rebecca L. Craven emphasised four vital principles: “live according to the Gospel of Christ,” “care for each other,” “invite all people to get to know the Gospel,” and “unite families for eternity.” She urged parents to give young people “the tools, and trust them to succeed.”
Humanitarian outreach in Cabo Verde

Sister Rebecca L. Craven, Sister Tracy Y. Browning with First Lady Débora Katisa Cavalho at Presidential Palace in Cabo Verde on 2 March 2023
Sister Rebecca L. Craven, Sister Tracy Y. Browning with First Lady Débora Katisa Cavalho at Presidential Palace in Cabo Verde on 2 March 2023© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.In Praia, Cabo Verde’s capital, Sister Browning and Sister Craven met at the Presidential Palace with the First Lady, Débora Carvalho (2 March), who highlighted projects she has developed in three areas: combatting child sexual abuse, children with special needs, and teen pregnancy. Expressing great appreciation for the First Lady’s work, the Sisters referred to the Church’s online educational resources, which include material on mental health and abuse, that can assist with some of the concerns she shared.
Sister Browning and Sister Craven were also hosted in Praia by organisations the Church has helped support – Colmeia, promoting inclusion for children and youth with disabilities, and CENORF, the National Orthopedic and Functional Rehabilitation Centre.
Cabo Verde: ministering to women and youth
Young women at the Cultural Presentation at the Praia Stake Centre in Cabo Verde on 4 March 2023
Young women at the Cultural Presentation at the Praia Stake Centre in Cabo Verde on 4 March 2023© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.“You are not forgotten in these islands,” Sister Craven reassured a group of over 300 young people in Praia eleven years and over who attended with their parents and leaders (4 March). “Heavenly Father loves and knows each one of you by name,” she said.
Earlier that day, more than 500 younger children and adults attended a devotional meeting, including a beautiful presentation by a Primary children’s choir. Music featured in a question from Sister Browning when she asked the children to share what they learned from the song “The Holy Ghost” (Children’s Hymn Book, 105). One nine-year-old old girl expressed that “the song reminded me of the day when I was baptized. I feel very happy and grateful for this gift.”
“We pray for you every single day, and our hearts hope you can feel this in some way,” Sister Browning told the children.

Primary children at Riga Chapel in Riga, Latvia on 7 March 2023© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Spring was in no hurry to arrive in Latvia, and winter covered it’s capital Riga with a snowstorm, but the inside of the central branch building was unusually warm and noisy for an ordinary weekday. On 7 March, parents, children, and youth from two branches gathered to meet the special guests from the Primary and Young Women general presidencies.
Sister Browning said, “We felt that the Baltic countries should be part of our journey. The many hours and many flights were worth it to hear the testimonies of your children!”
Young children shared their heartfelt convictions. An eight-year-old girl declared, “We need to study the gospel more often.” One young girl said, “Heavenly Father always answers our prayers” and she shared a story about when she lost her pom-pom in the strong wind and snow, but after praying, she found it on the street. A two-year-old at the activity affirmed, “I am a child of God.”

Church members enjoying Lithuanian food in Vilnius, Lithuania on 8 March 2023
Church members enjoying Lithuanian food in Vilnius, Lithuania on 8 March 2023© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.On 8 March, in Vilnius, Church members from all over Lithuania came to the chapel for a youth activity and meeting. It was the first such event in Lithuania that most youth and parents in attendance had experienced. The activity theme was from the Book of Mormon, building Nephi's ship – demonstrating active faith in Jesus Christ. Everyone was excited to get involved, laugh, think, and collaborate.
After the meeting, the seventy people at the event were invited to eat Lithuanian national dishes – cepelinai (potato dumplings) and kibinai (pastries filled with mutton and onion). This was followed by Lithuanian “lazy cake,” with ice cream.
England: young ambassadors

Sister missionaries from the England London Mission at Crawley Stake Centre, Crawley UK on 11 March 2023© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.“You are Christ’s ambassadors,” Sister Craven told a group of Sister missionaries from the England London Mission, in Crawley (11 March). “Gather yourself and others in this great cause of truth. You have great impact, greater than you can imagine.”
At a leadership meeting, Sister Browning emphasised the spiritual influence of Primary children whom she described as “Christ’s youngest disciples.” “They may be small in stature but not small in testimony,” she said. Encouraging leaders to help children recognise the spiritual aspects of their lives, she underlined, “Truth will be delicious to them, it will break down what is confusing.”
Worship service at Bracknell congregation, England
For Sister Rebecca L. Craven, attending the sacrament meeting (worship service) at Bracknell on 12 March was like a homecoming. She lived in the Bracknell area with her family during her last two years of high school. Visiting the congregation and catching up with friends was very meaningful for her.
“This is a place where some of the most important principles of the Gospel were taught to me. This is where I solidified my testimony. I am grateful for my friends who helped me stay on the covenant path,” she said.
Congregation member Tracy Edwards cherishes her relationship with Sister Craven, “It’s a friendship that I don’t think can be broken. It doesn’t matter how far apart we are; we feel the love and friendship of our experiences together. It’s just beautiful.”
Women’s Devotional meeting

Two sisters greeting each other at Women’s 12 + Devotional at Reading Stake Centre in Reading UK on 12 March 2023
Two sisters greeting each other at Women’s 12 + Devotional at Reading Stake Centre in Reading UK on 12 March 2023© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Broadcast to the UK and Ireland, the Women’s Devotional was the concluding meeting of the Sisters’ four-nation tour.
Conducting the devotional, Area Organisation Adviser, Sister Traci De Marco spoke about how Christ trusted the women in New Testament times and that “He trusts women now.”
Europe North Area President, Elder Hans T. Boom spoke of his love for the women of the Church. He referenced modern scriptures where the Lord counselled to “lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better” (Doctrine and Covenants 25:10). He told participants that the Holy Spirit will prompt us to not pursue what is no longer needful, giving us the courage to let go of things that will not help us. “I testify we can do all things in Christ, with Christ,” he said.